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Project Researcher: Dr Adam Ali, Academic Foundation doctor

During his Academic Foundation Programme, Adam worked with Professor David Murray investigating the effect of activity level on the outcomes of patients with the Oxford unicompartmental knee replacement. He worked with Professor Keith Willett, the National Clinical Director for Acute Episodes of Care, on a large epidemiological study assessing the impact of Daylight Savings Time transitions on serious or fatal road traffic collision injuries in the UK, and on a systematic review assessing the effect of weather conditions on trauma workload. In the Centre for Epidemiology, he worked with Professor Michael Goldacre on epidemiological analyses of time trends in hip and knee arthroplasty.

Adam had four presentations at the European Orthopaedic Association conference and was awarded the Jacques-Dupart Award for his work on osteomyelitis in Tanzania. Adam has submitted a number of papers for publication from the above research and has already had papers accepted in a range of areas including surgical safety, robotic surgery and paediatric osteomyelitis.

August 2014

Photo credit: Commodore Gandalf Cunningham via photopin cc unchanged