Clinical Lectureships (CLs)
Clinical lectureships generally provide opportunities for postdoctoral research and teaching. They facilitate applications for further research funding for doctors working towards completion of specialty training.
what is a CL?
The majority of CL posts are aimed at doctors with a PhD/MD (or equivalent), who already have specialty training experience. They are intended for those who can demonstrate outstanding potential for development as a clinical academic in research and/or medical education.
Many of the posts are funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) as part of the Integrated Academic Training Programme for doctors.
These posts are usually 4 years in duration and are funded to spend 50% of time in specialist clinical training and the remainder undertaking postdoctoral research. A period of dedicated clinical training may be appropriate (either prior to application or during the CL) in order to complete specialty training within the four-year period.
By the end of the clinical lectureship, a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) may be achieved depending on specialty and entry level, accompanied by high-quality postdoctoral research, and hopefully funding for further postdoctoral research.
There are CL posts available in some universities that are for longer periods of 6 years and that do not require a doctorate. Often there is a significant teaching component to these posts alongside an opportunity to undertake a PhD/MD.
Who is eligible?
Not all CLs have the same entry criteria. The minimum criteria are usually having achieved ST2 competence and having completed a PhD/MD or an MB PhD programme. Some specialties require competence at ST3 or above.
Find out about the our CL programmes in Why Oxford? - Our CLs.
Where next, after a CL?
You may apply for a Clinical Senior Lectureship or a Fellowship from an external funding body. There are a range of opportunities available for further postdoctoral funding such as Clinician Scientist schemes.