Clinical Lecturers (CLs) - FAQs
about clinical lecturer (CL) posts
- What is a clinical lectureship (CL)? It is a clinical academic post usually aimed at doctors with a PhD/MD (or equivalent), who already have specialty training experience.
- Are all CLs the same? No, some are funded by NIHR and others locally. NIHR-funded posts have 50% protected research time guaranteed. Locally-funded posts vary in nature, but you should have protected research time and your academic activities should be covered in your ARCP (Annual Review of Competence Progression).
- Where are CLs advertised? Details of the available CLs for the next round of recruitment nationally are listed on the NIHR Academy website. For current Oxford vacancies, see the University jobs website.
- Can I take maternity/paternity leave during my CL post? Yes. Maternity/paternity leave is governed by the terms and conditions of service associated with your contract. However, as your substantive employer will now be the University, your previous service in the NHS may not count towards your entitlement to maternity/paternity leave and pay. Make sure that you check, if this is likely to be a problem.
- Can I work part-time as a CL? You may be able to work part-time, but this needs to be agreed locally before the part-time working starts.
- Will being in academic training mean my expected CCT date is put back? Having protected research time need not necessarily affect your CCT date. However, CLs are on a personalised training programme, so CCT is likely to be reset to support both clinical and academic development. CCT is often extended in some craft specialties.
about NIHR-funded academic clinical lectureships
What happens if I reach CCT before the maximum of 4 years in post?
There is an automatic, six-month period of grace for trainees reaching CCT. If you are still within the maximum four-year duration of the NIHR CL post, your Postgraduate Deanery may, in exceptional circumstances, request an extension from NIHR TCC on your behalf.