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My academic project focuses on medical education and mentorship. It involves teaching suturing to medical students and junior doctors via a new online platform. Through my project, I have learnt of the vast potential of bringing practical teaching online and honed the interpersonal and digital technological skills necessary. My project is still ongoing and is being written up for a publication.


Dr Joanna Ting

Academic Foundation Doctor (2023)


I am drawn to research. I kept up with my iBSc research project alongside my MBBS education and enjoyed the challenge of balancing clinical duties with academia. I also remained in contact with multiple supervisors in medical school who inspired me to pursue a career in academia. 

The AFP offered me the ideal opportunity to pursue current research interests as I am planning a career in plastic surgery. Oxford had the advantage of having an excellent plastics team who supported my research interests. 


I really appreciated the protected research time each week during my academic day-release blocks as I could fully focus on my projects. There were ample opportunities to also meet up with my academic supervisor or to network with other academics, and to access extracurricular skills courses (teaching courses, research method seminars). Furthermore, I was able to seek appropriate senior advice towards arranging a national teaching programme, which I led and designed. This allowed me to continue to develop my interest in medical education. 

I can only say positive things about the AFP, which I actively encourage my juniors to apply for! Research experiences gained through the programme have shaped me to become a better clinician in many aspects, such as learning to communicate better and appreciating the value of teamwork. Not to mention the time out of clinical work which helped prevent burnout and gave me an opportunity to dabble in my research interests. 


Having flexibility to conduct research in an area of my own choice definitely drew me to choose Oxford. The academically stimulating environment in Oxford as a world-renowned research centre allowed me to be part of a strong academic community supportive of my career plans, especially in surgery. I have received relevant career and project advice and guidance in early project planning. 

Oxford is also a beautiful city with the most stunning libraries to study in! 


July 2023