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ACF in Cardiology
Dr Fielder Camm
Pathway to an ACF position
Fielder became interested in cardiology during his pre-clinical time at medical school and continued while undertaking his clinical training at Oxford. His third-year research project involved computer modelling, which spurred his interested in research. Although considering a career in academic medicine, Fielder decided against an Academic Foundation Programme. This was with the intention of ensuring sufficient clinical skills prior to taking academic time. His Foundation posts were at King’s College Hospital, London, and Conquest Hospital, Hastings, before coming back to Oxford for the Academic Clinical Fellowship in cardiology.
What does the work involve?
The ACF in cardiology consists of a three-year post. The first and third years are spent undertaking clinical placements as part of core medical training. The second year is a focused research year. This extended period of research time allows you to develop a range of skills and become proficient in an area of research. In Fielder’s case he spent his academic year using large-scale datasets to undertake genetic epidemiological analyses to examine the underlying causes of atrial fibrillation. In addition to the core work of the ACF, Fielder is also a college lecturer at Pembroke and Keble Colleges, where he is actively involved in medical student teaching.
Why Oxford?
Fielder undertook his clinical training in Oxford. Having gone away for his Foundation years to see clinical medicine practiced in other areas, Oxford still felt like the natural fit. The OUCAGS team are well known to be fantastic and make the life of an academic clinician immeasurably easier. The option to get a postgraduate diploma in health research was also a big draw. The cardiology research in Oxford is excellent, and so Oxford is a great place to start an academic career. Fielder also has a passion for teaching and the collegiate system in Oxford makes teaching medical students possible.
What Next?
Once the ACF finishes, Fielder will be heading to speciality cardiology training in Reading before applying for a DPhil with the team he has been undertaking research with.
September 2017